Friday, February 3, 2012

my super power

The super-power I would want to have would be advanced telekinesis. I want this super power at such and advanced level that I could manipulate things at a near molecular level, being able to change the physical shape and make up of things. For example think of a clock, I could pull it off the wall rotate it to any direction, and pull it apart so every single piece is floating, then rearrange said clock to make it so instead of telling time it shoots the hands of the clock out like a gun. I could also say move earth and make a perfect hole into the vault of a bank, use all the money to make a bullet-proof suit, compress the vault door into a giant sword  and simply walk out of the bank bullet proof and able to deal with whoever stood in my way. I would use this power for my own personal gain not having allegiances to good or evil but assist who ever paid more. This power could theoretically allow to to split the very fabric of reality allowing me to use slip-stream travel, pause time or go forwards in time. I could use this power much like the force from star wars but with more capabilities such as compressing the air around me to make a shield that could survive an atom bomb then use the same compressed air to send a rock through a tank splitting it from front to back. the possibilities with this power are near limitless, this one power  would allow me to do almost anything any other power could do short of affecting someone's mind to influence thoughts and such.
