Monday, November 15, 2010

i think we should read more fantasy novels as they create a more vived picture and they are the type of book that opend my eytes to reading i think they would do good for the class and maybe get some maturity in this class room. these booksare way better and i enjoy reading them alot moreinstead of just winging it i qwould take time a read it all cafeully also we should do cool projects on them like picture or take a book and use the computer and find a game on them or something

Thursday, October 28, 2010

in my battle would be between jagger (ask for info) and odin from almost every ff the battle would be epic taking place in the arena guns mech suits armys swords shields magic would all clash the scale would be only the grandest scale in the end it would be a draw with both warriors dying by eachothers blades the battle would open with jagger and odin rushing head on jagger useing his dual auto crossbows to put down odins mighty steed odin charging his sword moments after thier blades meet there armies would surge forward the earth shaking with the charges of the soliders the sky would darken with arrows bolts only to be burned frozen and eaten away with the spells from the mamcers and wizards it would be the battle of the evils for all time

Monday, October 18, 2010

top three xbox 360 rpgs of all time

i am useing my own gaming experance to judge them i am  avid videogame player and have probly logged well over 100 hours on each game and have beaten all three i base my choices on qualty glitches entertainment game completion lenght magzine reviews and dlcs

number three!!!!!! bethasada elder scrolls 4 oblivion
this game was great based in a fictis land where monsters roam free and steel blades clash your main quest is to basicly close shut the gates of oblivion tho only two dlc they both add about 30 hours of gameplay combined graphics are good reviews are good as well

Number two!!!!!! gear box borderlands
over all a great game main quest is long but takes less time to complete once you get going the grapics have a twist on the classic  game style adding a cartoon effect millions of guns and armor al three dlc are very worthwhile one of my fav games

NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!! bethasda very own fall out three
a great game set in post apoliptic washintion dc in the fiftees you are a "vault dweller" and you set out to find your dad this game is great huge enviroment limtless possablitys its just great all four dlc are amazing giving you new wepons perks and items you just get really into the game the reviews on this where awsome grapics a little glichy sometimes but very very fine and detailed

Monday, October 4, 2010

my guilty pleasure is that i like to take a axe and go outside and split lots of fire wood so i can fill my woodstove and burn it all to keep really really warm. i have other guilty pleasures i love to take long hot showers and use up all the hot water, take up whole couches at home and freinds, hog the tv remote, and drink energy drinks, everyone tell me they are bad for me but i dont care they taste great and i have no idea what i would do with out them. anthor guilty pleasure of mine is getting scrachted i love to get my back scratched behind and my ears. i like to make my hair into diffrent styles and make it look diffrent then normal.  i also enjoy sitting down and eating tons of choclate bars.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

history changeing

i would have taken the role of major mitlary advisor during world war two probly hitler becuase i would assist him and the go back forward in time and see how the world was changed. i would have him build better defenses on the beaches of normandy such not only the machine gun turrets and high caliber wepons i would have also added three man rocket teams one reloader one spotter one rocket man each with 15 rockets partly burried into the spaces between the buncker i would have ghilled bunkers each with two, two man sniper teams (again one spotter one shooter) i would have also taken flak cannons and mounted them in a doward faceing postion to for basicly crowd control i would have removed the pows from the front lines and have them built factorys for supplying this defense point with mutions wepons and new tech i would have about 16 88's for artillery protection. a checker board layout of undersea mines  to stop the boats three divsions of panthers tanks on top of the hill for defense i would also have him train a elite group of fighter piloits 60 strong that have spent there career flying over the beachs and are accustomed to the odd wether that appeeres on coasts. at the base of the bunkers have ss flame throwers to help defend the base rig the whole beaches and structers with as much explosives as i can so if we ever lost it we can blow them all to hell. and instead of haveing a thing strong line have all front lines and thick as i can make them train more elite groups and any other knowledge i hgave of the future to see what he would do with it
