Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"rraaawwwwwrrrr" went the polar bear captain, inspiring his army of polar bears to fight to the death as they began their charge down the slope into the neutral space where the could fight the sharks and finally end the war of the teeth.

the sharks as silent and deadly as they are take a moment to prepare themselves for the upcoming battle each one ready to die for the cause them believe in. the leader swims forward leading  the pack forward to what he surely knows will be death for most of them

as both sides enter the battle field hair meets shark skin claw meets eyes teeth meet necks and the ground runs red with blood squam one of the larger bears is taking on  two smaller great white sharks as one lunges he does a roll dragging his claw down  the sharks underside spilling its guts, he whips around grabs the second shark by the tail and whips him over head into the wall killing it squam roars with blood lust as he charges onto his next prey. As the polar bear captain watches he gives the signal to the polar bear engineers who have salvaged some old human technology to aid them in the fight, the bears grip the thick ropes and pull back as a large sharpened tree trunk is laid down "Twang" goes the ropes sending trunks flying across the battle flied into the ranks of the sharks breaking their lines allowing the bears to surge forward and begin the slaughter that will end this war once and for all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Clockwork Orange

"I know how things are now, nobody wants or loves me"
  (p 102 A Clockwork Orange)

this quote I can connect too because when my parents where first splitting up there was lots of fighting and yelling about kids money cheating and many other things I didn't understand so at the time I felt like no one loved me and times got rather hard to be around home so I spent lots of  time outside and at school. this is much like Alex in the story because he was basically kicked out of his house at the time of the quote, although not because of his parents fighting but because of his choices. I soon realised that they did love me and most of the fighting was over what would be best for me and my brother, this lead me to feel more welcome at home after the incidents where all over and dealt with, again much like what happened to Alex near the end of the book as he is allowed back home. There is also many people in the world that may feel this way like homeless people who fit both into the not being loved and the context of the quote of being kicked out of home so this is a quote that many people in the world could connect too besides just me.

Friday, February 3, 2012

my super power

The super-power I would want to have would be advanced telekinesis. I want this super power at such and advanced level that I could manipulate things at a near molecular level, being able to change the physical shape and make up of things. For example think of a clock, I could pull it off the wall rotate it to any direction, and pull it apart so every single piece is floating, then rearrange said clock to make it so instead of telling time it shoots the hands of the clock out like a gun. I could also say move earth and make a perfect hole into the vault of a bank, use all the money to make a bullet-proof suit, compress the vault door into a giant sword  and simply walk out of the bank bullet proof and able to deal with whoever stood in my way. I would use this power for my own personal gain not having allegiances to good or evil but assist who ever paid more. This power could theoretically allow to to split the very fabric of reality allowing me to use slip-stream travel, pause time or go forwards in time. I could use this power much like the force from star wars but with more capabilities such as compressing the air around me to make a shield that could survive an atom bomb then use the same compressed air to send a rock through a tank splitting it from front to back. the possibilities with this power are near limitless, this one power  would allow me to do almost anything any other power could do short of affecting someone's mind to influence thoughts and such.

Monday, November 15, 2010

i think we should read more fantasy novels as they create a more vived picture and they are the type of book that opend my eytes to reading i think they would do good for the class and maybe get some maturity in this class room. these booksare way better and i enjoy reading them alot moreinstead of just winging it i qwould take time a read it all cafeully also we should do cool projects on them like picture or take a book and use the computer and find a game on them or something

Thursday, October 28, 2010

in my battle would be between jagger (ask for info) and odin from almost every ff the battle would be epic taking place in the arena guns mech suits armys swords shields magic would all clash the scale would be only the grandest scale in the end it would be a draw with both warriors dying by eachothers blades the battle would open with jagger and odin rushing head on jagger useing his dual auto crossbows to put down odins mighty steed odin charging his sword moments after thier blades meet there armies would surge forward the earth shaking with the charges of the soliders the sky would darken with arrows bolts only to be burned frozen and eaten away with the spells from the mamcers and wizards it would be the battle of the evils for all time

Monday, October 18, 2010

top three xbox 360 rpgs of all time

i am useing my own gaming experance to judge them i am  avid videogame player and have probly logged well over 100 hours on each game and have beaten all three i base my choices on qualty glitches entertainment game completion lenght magzine reviews and dlcs

number three!!!!!! bethasada elder scrolls 4 oblivion
this game was great based in a fictis land where monsters roam free and steel blades clash your main quest is to basicly close shut the gates of oblivion tho only two dlc they both add about 30 hours of gameplay combined graphics are good reviews are good as well

Number two!!!!!! gear box borderlands
over all a great game main quest is long but takes less time to complete once you get going the grapics have a twist on the classic  game style adding a cartoon effect millions of guns and armor al three dlc are very worthwhile one of my fav games

NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!! bethasda very own fall out three
a great game set in post apoliptic washintion dc in the fiftees you are a "vault dweller" and you set out to find your dad this game is great huge enviroment limtless possablitys its just great all four dlc are amazing giving you new wepons perks and items you just get really into the game the reviews on this where awsome grapics a little glichy sometimes but very very fine and detailed
